What is Bulls-Eye?
This is our new Co-Op game mode which is for 2-6 players which is available under Play with Friends.
The main goal in Bullseye is to try to find the random location the team is given.
Guesses give different amount of points, where good guesses award more.
The mode is played in over a series of 5 different locations.
The rounds are not timed, and continues until all players have submitted a guess.
The best guess within the team will be what counts towards the final score.
The guessing circle
The guessing system is completely new, instead of scoring based on distance, each player is given a circle that they place on the map. If the location is inside the perimeter of the circle, they are awarded points! A failed guess will give 0 points.
The players will be informed about the result of their guess instantly, giving the team valuable information to base the upcoming guesses on.
If the location is within the circle, it turns green. Otherwise it turns red.
All players can see the circles on the guessing map. Both temporary pins, as well as guesses.
The player list shows all players in the game and their guessing status. Not guessed, correct guess, and wrong guess.
Upon hovering a player, a teleport option will appear. By clicking this, the player will be moved to the selected player’s location. This includes their position, their camera orientation as well as their zoom level!
As all the players have their own panorama and freedom to explore the world, showing good findings to your peers is crucial, as just explaining by words is usually not enough.
You can return to your previous view by clicking on Undo Move:
Pinging is a way for players to reference points on the map to the other players.
Before submitting a guess, the player can use their pin to call out locations on the map, as all players can see the pin on the map.
However, after the guess is placed and the player wants to recommend a place on the map, or give out advice, we have added a ping system.
This works by clicking on the map after sending in a guess this will send out a ping. The ping shows up on the map for all players and can be used to give information.
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